Bob's Blog is intended as a view from the Chair, with a purely observational look at matters to do with Wendover Shed. Some will be serious views, some mirth, but above all it should be a bit of fun!
On a serious note, and for those who don’t know me particularly, well my shed journey started in 1989. I left my well-paid post in the NHS to form a consultancy business. Together with my boss, I left the NHS full of hope and ambition. Sadly, it all ended in tears as Denis, my business partner, committed suicide. I was devastated not just because all my ambitions were crushed, and not just because a good friend had needlessly died, but because I had no idea that Denis had any problems, certainly not any problems that would force him to take his life. He never talked of any issues.
However, out of the darkness came light! I became one of the pioneers of home working as I decided to continue working as a consultant contracting myself and others to undertake work in the NHS. Through a few tumbles and turns Domino Equipping Solutions came to be a leading equipping agency in the NHS, using a computer system to equip hospitals, developed by myself. The point of describing this was that my first office outside of the NHS was a shed. My office continued to be, and still is a shed.
Sheds are great; you can keep all your tools and equipment in a safe place! You know where to find things. You can be untidy or tidy as you like. However, it's probably not the place to be if you’re on your own and harbouring negative thoughts. I’m lucky in my shed at home because I employ a colleague, Adam; we both work for Wendover Wood, which is a woodworking and gift business. While the NHS consultancy business has now run down because most of us are over retirement age, Wendover Wood carries on.
Aside from volunteering now and in the past for Aylesbury Rugby Football Club, Wendover Parish Council, Wendover Dementia Support, South Central Ambulance Service and the Lionel Abel Smith Trust, I’m also Chair of the British Toymakers Guild.
Why, you might ask, do I have such an interest in Wendover Shed? The answer lies in the culmination of all my experiences picked up during my working career and via all my interests.
Wendover Shed is a giver, not a taker. It is a new charity attracting like-minded people to help their fellow beings who are sometimes in a position in life which they might not have chosen, given a choice. I'm proud to be the Chair and I hope all members are proud to be part of a growing and exciting organisation. Remember too that it also is a shed and one where folk can meet, talk, make and mend and have a bit of fun along the way!