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Writer's pictureSimon Eccles

Early September update

Updated: Feb 9, 2024

Accelerating progress on the Outdoor Space

Shed framework as of 28 August
August 27 progress. Pic by Dave Walls

The framework for the Outdoor Space is progressing nicely. By early September one half was completed and the second half well advanced. The main team has been learning how to make traditional mortise and tenon joints in the large beams, using big chisels, mallets and lots of welly.

Once the framework is finished a metal roof will go on top to keep the rain off. This has already been delivered – it has a green coating to match the Hog shed.

The full set of solar panels will then go onto the Outdoor Space roof area – at present only about half of them are temporarily placed on top of the main Hog shed. Having more of them, further away from the shading trees, should boost the charging capacity considerably.

The final stage will be to put down decking to give the Outdoor Space a solid floor to work on. This is being paid for from funding by the Lionel Abel Smith Trust. The wood for the decking arrived at the beginning of September. A permanently fixed workbench is being planned for the middle of the outside area.

The wooden stable is also being renovated and made suitable as a workroom. The rotten boards at the base are being replaced with new wood. A new door frame is in place and a stable door to fit it is being constructed. An internal wall has been taken down, freeing up space. This will house work benches under cover – several benches are already available. There are plans to fit more windows. There will also be LED lamps fed by batteries charged by the small wind generator on the shed. These will provide an independent backup to the batteries that will be charged separately by the solar panels.

Bob Duggan has donated a wood-burning stove and chimney pipes for the stable.

The toilet is now installed on a concrete base next to the metal wood storage shed.

Tools bonanza

The Shed has been given far more tools than anyone is likely to need. These are being sorted and assessed by Lester Bailey. The intention is that usable surplus tools will be offered to Shedders on a future collection day, in return for modest donations to Shed funds.


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