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Dave Walls

Projects & Facilities

Dave has lived in Wendover for nearly 25 years and has experience of getting things done in the community. He was one of the founding Director's of Wendover Celebrates back in 2012 and is also a past Chairman and past President of Wendover Round Table, which included helping out Santa on their annual Carol Float!

Dave has three sheds, but needs to get out more.  His practical skills are hobby level wood and metalwork, including model engineering.  He built a 2” scale Burrell Traction Engine from a kit of machined parts, which he occasionally gets to almost work!  Dave is also besotted with Rufus, his Campervan, which he converted himself during Covid lockdown.

Dave's interest in Wendover Shed is both practical and social. He wants to further his practical skills and meet people in doing so. Dave has been heavily involved in the design and construction of our Outdoor Space, and once this is complete he has ambitions to install a metal wokshop and blacksmith's forge. He also wants to get his traction engine working, finally.

Outside of the shed, Dave enjoys cycling, climbing and the outdoors. Oddly, he is also an indoor cycling Spinning® instructor.

Dave Walls
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