In order to enable a wider range of interest/project options the shed is going online.
Phase1 introducing a shed WiFi network.
ShedNet, has connectivity via a TP-Link M7200v2 and no-contract SIM.
An old laptop (running ubuntu) & a raspberry pi will be setup initially.
I plan to add offline versions of all the tool training material to the laptop for easy access & refreshers.
I'll network the batteries & setup a push of the data for remote monitoring, using a graphana dashboard for visualisation (like the well project)
Remote connectivity isn't possible with the M7200, that will come in phase 2.
I was concerned that given we're essentially inside a metal box, signal strength & so band width would be pretty limited. Using I compared the TP-Link against my phone & got the following encouraging results:
Device & connectivity | Test | Download Speed |
Phone: ​Mobile Data only | Outside the Hog | 37 Mbps |
​Phone: TP-Link WiFi only | Outside the Hog | 17 Mbps |
Phone: ​Mobile Data only | Inside the Hog (door shut) | ​46 Mbps |
​Phone: TP-Link WiFi only | Inside the Hog (door shut) | ​12 Mbps |
​Phone: TP-Link WiFi only | ​Inside the Hog, stashed by the battery. | 4 Mbps |
​Phone: TP-Link WiFi only | Inside the Hog, by the window | 18 Mbps |
​Phone: TP-Link WiFi only | Inside the Hog, by the window, connecting from the other side of the allotments | 13 Mbps |
Device Location selected, gaffer tape required...

Small or far away...? Reasonable bandwidth even from the other side of the allotments, so options for cyber vegetables.

The TP-Link M7200 is powered via USB from the EcoFlow DeltaPro battery for now, but as we have a small wind turbine with nothing to do (that can't feed into the EcoFlow), then a discreet supply may be next if I can find someone with an unwanted car battery.
Phase 2
TBC, but likely to be:
Alternate router with SIM, and DDNS capable
Remote connectivity to some Shed devices via port forwarding
Discrete power for router, raspberry pi & other monitoring devices
Anyone got an unloved/used car battery?
Add a grab bag of handy boards components & peripherals for shedders to experiment with.
Phase X
Shed becomes self aware...
I'll update this post as I progress.