In order to enable a wider range of interest/project options the shed is going online...
Phase 1 will introduce a shed WiFi network, ShedNet, using a tp-link M7200v2 loaned by Dave, I'll cover the SIM costs (I seldom have change for the session donations, so this will be my equivalent 😃).
An old laptop and a raspberry pi3 will be setup initially.
I'll network the batteries, and setup a push data for remote monitoring.
Remote connectivity isn't possible with the M7200, that will come in phase2.
Update as follows:
Laptop in place - login as shedder with passwd highonthehog.
ShedNet wifi in place - SSID: ShedNet Password: 33152079
Raspberry Pi (3): Configured in headless mode (no screen/keyboard attached), to do anything on it, then access from the laptop terminal session via ssh (command: 'ssh shedder@shedpi' passwd is also highonthehog).
For now both the WiFi dongle & the raspberry pi are powered from the USB on the DeltaPro battery, the power draw is about 3W
The laptop has a trackpad mouse & the right click requires a two finger tap - Personally I'm not a fan of the HP trackpads, so if anyone has a USB mouse to spare, it would make it more usable.